OCT Community Table – Drugs and Trail Bike Riding
Monday, 28th November 2016
@ Grace Centre (the old tavern), 11 Ralphs Terrace, Rokeby
9.30 am to 2.30 pm + 7pm
Drug Use and Dealing
9.30 am to 12 noon (including a short presentation on local drug use by Dion Butler, Alcohol and Drug Service)
12 noon
Trail Bike Riding
12.30 pm to 2.30 pm (including a short presentation from Ann Harrison, Risdon Vale Neighbourhood Centre)
Trail Bike Riding (repeated session in evening for those who cannot come during the day)
7 pm to 9 pm (including a short presentation from Ann Harrison, Risdon Vale Neighbourhood Centre)
A community discussion around the issues and possible responses.
- The discussions will provide a safe place for residents to speak up and listen to each other, accept and respect differences of view and look at ways to work together to make a difference.
- Great things happen when people throw their ideas and experiences together. Come and play with some ideas and look for some ways forward.
- We hope the day will encourage people to play the part that suits them best.
Services and groups are encouraged to attend with the aim to hearing the voice of the community and supporting the process.
Please come to the table and provide your voice.