CPSC News #2: ‘Composting?  Thanks heaps!’ said the planet …


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Composting is a great way to help the planet and it’s easier than a lot of people think!

Step 1: Choose a Spot

Place your compost heap or bin in an area that is well drained and has some shade. Too much sun will dry out your compost.

Step 2: Knowing What to Compost

  • Green Ingredients: Your compost needs a mix of green materials like fruit and vegetable peelings, fresh grass clippings and green leaves. You can even add a bit off dog poo (not so green but it works)!!!
  • Brown Ingredients: Your compost needs brown materials, like dry leaves, woody twigs, paper and straw.
  • Water
  • Soil or some other compost

Step 3: Layering 

You should start with a thick layer of twigs or mulch. This will keep the area dry. The next layers you need are:

A) Kitchen scraps and garden clippings

B) Dry leaves and wet paper

C) Add water after each layer to keep the compost damp but not wet

You can repeat these steps. You can also sprinkle soil or finished compost on top of food scraps. This will give you better compost and stop bad smells.

Step 4: Maintaining Your Compost

You need to air out your compost to stop bad smells. You can do this by turning your compost with a garden fork every week.

Composting can…

  • Improve the soil quality of your garden
  • Lower greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduce the amount of kitchen and garden waste going to the tip
  • Recycle nutrients
  • Save you money!

And to see how it’s done check out The First Steps to Composting with Costa Georgiadis on YouTube! –  https://youtu.be/Uw5JVZSzMUA